***Battle of the North River*** Maker:Ryan Sirianni Size:60 by 61 Editor:C&C Ultimate Map Editor v.1.4b This is my very first mission I made for Command and Conquer. It (in my opinion is easy to beat. If any of you map editing gurus out there would be kind enough to help me better my map editing skills, I would really appreciate it: I don't know how to set the "Mission Accomplished" trigger after you kill everyone. I did under triggers: end=All Destr.,Win,0,GoodGuy,None,0 Also, I need help on how to make reinforcements... I think I am doing it right, it says, "Reinforcements have arrived" but there is no reinforcements! Help! If you can help me out, please send mail to: sirianni@interserv.com ***Briefing*** We have sent you a large task force consisting of many tanks to destroy the NOD base. "Wait!" This just in... Also destroy the village in the west! We suspect that aliens are being breeded there by Nod. Destroy it along with the Nod base. We have sent six A10s to strike the village. They should be arriving shortly... Scroll to the west and watch the fireworks! Good luck! Whatever airplanes are left from the initial strike will be available for your use soon.